With minimal hassle monitor to whom and when an asset is assigned along with their actual location. It just takes a simple click to manage and reorganize assets in and out of the inventory or to just check out the entire asset history. Keeping an eye on the deployment, and current status and making sure if the assets are in the archive or ready to deploy just becomes swift and hassle-free.
With minimal hassle monitor to whom and when an asset is assigned along with their
actual location. It just takes a simple click to manage and reorganize assets
With minimal hassle monitor to whom and when an asset is assigned along with their
actual location. It just takes a simple click to manage and reorganize assets
Complete access to the users to auet reports and requestable assets. Stands out as a great option to loan out test devices. Everything including the history of assets, accessories, licenses, and consumables is visible on every user profile.
Custom Status Labels
An asset might end up archived or not ready to be deployed, which may depend on several reasons. They might end up being corrupt, stolen, or even sent f or diagnostics and repair.
End-user EULAs/Terms
of Service on Checkout
Repairing the damage and lost assets can be reduced by 20% or even more with just a slight reminder to the users that they are responsible for all their assets. Based on the type of asset. the EULAs can be the same or different for the entire company.
Software Licenses
Even with licenses, you receive swift access and we are already on it to make it even more efficient by allowing the handling of multiple license packs at once with no trouble. Vou can even tum on email notifications to notify you when your license is close to expiration.
Accessories and Consumables
Some factors can not always be kept in check and hence the Asset io Asset Management solution lets you monitor your computer hardware like your mice and keep track of them and where they arc Other consumable items like printer ink levels are also notified and can be tracked.